These downloads and other information are also available at Earthworm Central
Refer questions to the Earthworm Forum
Right click link and "save target as."
Test suite (tar.gz), see the README for more details.
Note: Errors may occurr with tar; please use gtar to unpack tar balls.
Note also the plethora of Linux flavors prevent us from providing binaries
for all of them--or even most of them. So there's just Centos. If you
need something else, please get the source and compile.
earthworm_global.d as of 20130802. Please do not make changes to earthworm_global.d. Contact Mitch Withers (mwithers at memphis dot edu) if you need an Installation ID. Note that INST_UNKNOWN may be used for testing but should be avoided if data are exchanged with other installations.
Source Code and some binaries (tar.gz).
Source Code and some binaries (zip).
Table of Contents for the Contrib file.
Table of contributed modules with brief explanation for many.
Version 6.2 download (last release with tested
interactive, aka quick review).
In 2005, ISTI took on the lead roll in software development and user support of
EARTHWORM development team was formerly headed by Alex Bittenbinder
and coordinated by Barbara
Bogaert; both with the U.S.
Survey. Advice and assistance with EARTHWORM
development is provided by members of the the Earthworm Community.
Online Documentation
Winston Documentation
Old Downloads
Release Notes