TRANSPORT.C 4/24/98 Table of contents: I. Introduction 1. Overview of transport routines 1.1 Transport.h structures used by the calling program. 1.2 Initializing/terminating access to shared memory. 1.3 Writing messages to shared memory. 1.4 Retrieving messages from shared memory. 1.5 Buffering messages in a private memory region. 1.6 Communicating with the shared memory header flag. 1.7 Error reporting by transport functions. 2. Function calls 2.1 tport_create 2.2 tport_destroy 2.3 tport_attach 2.4 tport_detach 2.5 tport_putmsg 2.6 tport_getmsg 2.7 tport_copyto 2.8 tport_copyfrom 2.9 tport_buffer 2.10 tport_bufthr 2.11 tport_putflag 2.12 tport_getflag 2.13 tport_syserr 2.14 tport_buferror 3. Programming tips 4. Bug fixes and program modifications 4.1 Mishandled shared memory pointer wraps in tport_putmsg. 4.2 Missing argument to shmctl. 4.3 Speed enhancement using memcpy. 4.4 Making tport_putmsg multi-thread safe. 4.5 Mishandled shared memory pointer resets in tport_getmsg. 4.6 Minor crack in tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom. 4.7 Logo-tracking problem with GET_TOOBIG messages, tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom. 4.8 Tracking problem when no messages of requested logo are ever returned, tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom. 4.9 Variable name changed to allow use of C++ compilers. 4.10 Semaphore operations problem in tport_putmsg and tport_copyto (Solaris version). I. INTRODUCTION Transport.c contains a set of functions for accessing System V IPC shared memory regions under SunOS 4.1.1 and Solaris 2.4. These routines, with exactly the same function calls, have also been ported to OS/2 and Windows NT. void tport_create(); void tport_destroy(); void tport_attach(); void tport_detach(); int tport_putmsg(); int tport_getmsg(); int tport_copyto(); int tport_copyfrom(); void tport_putflag(); int tport_getflag(); void tport_syserr(); In June 1995, a set functions were added to transport.c to create multi- threaded, message-buffering applications under Solaris 2.4, OS/2, and NT. (SunOS does not support multi-threaded applications): int tport_buffer(); void *tport_bufthr(); void tport_buferror(); On Solaris, source files using transport functions should include these lines: #include /* required by multi-thread transport functions */ #include On OS/2, source files using transport functions should include these lines (the first 3 lines must be before the transport.h include line): #define INCL_DOSMEMMGR #define INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES #include #include /* required by multi-thread transport functions */ #include 1. OVERVIEW OF TRANSPORT ROUTINES In the following paragraphs, anything written in all capital letters is defined in transport.h. The following topics are explained in more detail below: 1.1 Transport.h structures used by the calling program. 1.2 Initializing/terminating access to shared memory. 1.3 Writing messages to shared memory. 1.4 Retrieving messages from shared memory. 1.5 Buffering messages in a private memory region. 1.6 Communicating with the shared memory header flag. 1.7 Error reporting by transport functions. 1.1 Transport.h structures used by the calling program. Many constants and five structure types and are defined in transport.h. Two of the structure types are used as arguments to transport functions. The other defined structure types are used internally by the transport functions; for more information on those, please read the comments in transport.h. The first structure type used as an argument in transport calls is a shared memory information structure: Solaris version: typedef struct { SHM_HEAD *addr; /* pointer to beginning of memory region */ long key; /* key to shared memory region */ long mid; /* shared memory region identifier */ long sid; /* associated semaphore identifier */ } SHM_INFO; OS/2 version: typedef struct { SHM_HEAD *addr; /* pointer to beginning of memory region */ long key; /* key to shared memory region */ PVOID objAlloc; /* pointer to memory object */ HMTX hmtx; /* mutex semaphore handle */ } SHM_INFO; All the values in this structure are set within function tport_create or tport_attach. It contains all the information needed to identify and use the memory region in all other transport function calls. The second structure type used as an argument is the message logo structure: typedef struct { unsigned char type; /* message is of this type */ unsigned char mod; /* was created by this module id */ unsigned char instid; /* at this installation */ } MSG_LOGO; This structure describes the message it is associated with. A single MSG_LOGO structure is passed an argument to tport_putmsg. tport_getmsg takes an array of MSG_LOGO structures as a list of requested logos and it sets values in an individual MSG_LOGO structure to identify the retrieved message. 1.2 Initializing/terminating access to shared memory. Four of the transport functions deal with getting a program ready to use or to finish with a shared memory region. tport_create() creates the memory region given a unique "key" to identify the region and the size (in bytes) of the region. The created memory region consists of 2 parts: a header section (SHM_HEAD) for keeping track of pointers, etc., and a circular buffer area for storing variable-length messages. The region should be made large enough compared to the size of the messages it holds to give each message a reasonable residence time in the memory before it is overwritten. All information needed to identify and use the memory region in other transport function calls is stored in a shared memory information structure (SHM_INFO). To access an existing shared memory region, a program must first attach to it by passing tport_attach() the region's unique key. tport_attach then sets up the shared memory information structure. Note: A program should call EITHER tport_create() to create and attach to a memory region OR tport_attach() to attach to an existing region. It should never call both. Just before exitting, a program that had attached to a memory region should detach from it using tport_detach() and one that had created it should destroy it using tport_destroy(). None of these four functions has a return value; if a system error occurs, they will write a message to stdout and exit. 1.3 Writing messages to shared memory. Messages are written to a shared memory region using tport_putmsg() or tport_copyto(), given the region's shared memory information structure. When one tport_putmsg or tport_copyto is writing to memory, no other tport_putmsg or tport_copyto can access the same region. Both functions write a transport layer header (TPORT_HEAD) in front of each message in shared memory. The first byte of this header is always set to FIRST_BYTE to signal the beginning of a new message. The header also includes the length of the following message, its "message logo" (MSG_LOGO; its message type, module id and installation id), and a sequence number. If tport_copyto is used, the sequence number is passed as an argument to the function, and sequencing from another source can be preserved. If tport_putmsg is used, the sequence number is assigned and tracked by tport_putmsg; any previous sequencing of messages will be lost. tport_putmsg has a limit to the number of different logos for which it can keep track of sequences numbers (NTRACK_PUT). If this limit is exceeded, tport_putmsg will not write messages with new logos to memory; it will return PUT_NOTRACK, write a warning to stdout and continue. tport_copyto has no tracking limits. tport_putmsg and tport_copyto are multi-thread safe (they can be used by multiple threads of the same process without problems). 1.4 Retrieving messages from shared memory. Messages of a given logo are retrieved from a shared memory region using tport_getmsg() or tport_copyfrom(). A single logo can be requested or an array of logos can be requested. Additionally, any or all components (type, module, instid) of the requested message logo(s) can be wildcarded (set to WILD). tport_getmsg or tport_copyfrom will return when it has found the first message which matches any of the requested logos. Both functions also keep track of the sequence number they expect to see for the next message of each logo; therefore, tport_getmsg or tport_copyfrom can tell if they have missed any messages. If tport_getmsg misses messages, it returns GET_MISS; if tport_copyfrom misses messages, it returns either GET_MISS_LAPPED (if memory was over-written by tport_putmsg or tport_copyto) or GET_MISS_SEQGAP (if a gap in sequence numbers was passed along by tport_copyto). There is a limit (NTRACK_GET) to the number of logos for which tport_getmsg or tport_copyfrom can track sequence numbers. If this limit is exceeded, both functions will still return a message matching any requested logo, but they won't know if they have missed any; they will return GET_NOTRACK, write a warning to stdout and continue. Both functions write the message logo, length (bytes), and message to addresses in their argument lists. tport_copyfrom has one additional address argument to which it writes the TPORT_HEAD sequence number of the returned message. Since both functions have their own private tracking variables, it is very important that each module use only one of these functions to grab messages for a given region-logo combination. Otherwise, the module may see the same message twice! tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom are not multi-thread safe; they cannot be used safely by two threads of the same process. 1.5 Buffering messages in a private memory region. Several functions have been added to transport.c to give modules a multi-threaded message-buffering capability. After attaching to or creating a public shared memory region and creating (tport_create) a private shared memory region, a module can call tport_buffer() to start the buffering thread, passing it 2 shared memory information structures (public and private), an array of logos, and the module id and installation id of the calling module. tport_buffer creates a thread, tport_bufthr(), which uses tport_copyfrom and tport_copyto to transfer all messages of the given logo(s) from the public region to the private region. All sequence numbers from the public region are preserved in the private region. The buffering-thread reports errors by calling tport_buferror(), which writes error messages, labeled with the main thread's module id and installation, to the public region using tport_putmsg. The main thread must retrieve all of its buffered messages from the private region using tport_getmsg. [tport_copyfrom and tport_getmsg are not multi- thread safe, and since the buffering-thread is hard-wired to call tport_copyfrom, the main thread must use tport_getmsg.] The buffering-thread will exit when the shared memory header flag in the public region is set to TERMINATE. The main thread must destroy its private buffering region (tport_destroy) before it exits. 1.6 Communicating with the shared memory header flag. Two transport functions deal only with the flag in the shared memory header structure. This flag is included as a means of communication between different programs accessing the same region. For instance, if the flag is set to a certain value, all attached programs should detach and terminate. To change the value of the flag in a given region, use tport_putflag(). To find out the current value of the flag, use tport_getflag(). 1.7 Error reporting by transport functions. Transport routines report errors by use of one of 2 functions, tport_syserr() or tport_buferror(). Both are meant for internal use only by the other transport functions. tport_syserr is called when a system error has occurred; it writes a message to stdout and exits. tport_buferror is called by tport_bufthr (the buffering-thread) when return values from other transport routines indicate a problem. tport_buferror writes an error message, tagged with the main thread's module id and installation id, to the public shared memory region using tport_putmsg and then it returns. 2. FUNCTION CALLS Below are the function calls, return values and comment lines from the transport.c source code. They provide a general description of each function's purpose and its program flow. 2.1 tport_create 2.2 tport_destroy 2.3 tport_attach 2.4 tport_detach 2.5 tport_putmsg 2.6 tport_getmsg 2.7 tport_copyto 2.8 tport_copyfrom 2.9 tport_buffer 2.10 tport_bufthr 2.11 tport_putflag 2.12 tport_getflag 2.13 tport_syserr 2.14 tport_buferror 2.1 tport_create: create a shared memory region & its semaphore, attach to it and initialize shared memory header values. void tport_create( SHM_INFO *region, /* info structure for memory region */ long nbytes, /* size of shared memory region */ long memkey ) /* key to shared memory region */ Arguments used as passed: nbytes, memkey Arguments reset by function: *region Return Value: None. If any system error occurs during its execution, tport_create writes a message to stdout and exits. Program flow: /* Destroy memory region if it already exists */ /* Create shared memory region */ /* Attach to shared memory region */ /* Initialize shared memory region header */ /* Make semaphore for this shared memory region & set semval = SHM_FREE */ /* set values in the shared memory information structure */ 2.2 tport_destroy: destroy a shared memory region. void tport_destroy( SHM_INFO *region ) /* info structure for memory region */ Arguments used as passed: region Arguments reset by function: none Return Value: None. If any system error occurs during its execution, tport_destroy writes a message to stdout and exits. Program flow: /* Set kill flag, give other attached programs time to terminate */ /* Detach from shared memory region */ /* Destroy semaphore set for shared memory region */ /* Destroy shared memory region */ 2.3 tport_attach: map to an existing shared memory region. void tport_attach( SHM_INFO *region, /* info structure for memory region */ long memkey ) /* key to shared memory region */ Arguments used as passed: memkey Arguments reset by function: *region Return Value: None. If any system error occurs during its execution, tport_attach writes a message to stdout and exits. Program flow: /* attach to header; find out size memory region; detach */ /* reattach to the entire memory region; get semaphore */ /* set values in the shared memory information structure */ 2.4 tport_detach: detach from a shared memory region. void tport_detach( SHM_INFO *region ) /* info structure for memory region */ Arguments used as passed: region Arguments reset by function: none Return Value: None. If any system error occurs during its execution, tport_detach writes a message to stdout and exits. 2.5 tport_putmsg: write a message into a shared memory region. int tport_putmsg( SHM_INFO *region, /* info structure for memory region */ MSG_LOGO *putlogo, /* type,module,instid of incoming msg */ long length, /* size of incoming message */ char *msg ) /* pointer to incoming message */ Arguments used as passed: region, putlogo, length, msg Arguments reset by function: none Return values: PUT_OK if it put the message in memory with no problems. PUT_NOTRACK if it did not put the message in memory because its sequence number tracking limit (NTRACK_PUT) was exceeded. PUT_TOOBIG if it did not put the message in memory because it was too long to fit in the region. If a system error occurs while tport_putmsg is executing or if a pointer into the memory region gets lost (doesn't point to a FIRST_BYTE), tport_putmsg writes a message to stdout and exits. Program flow: /* First time around, init the sequence counters, semaphore controls */ /* Set up pointers for shared memory, etc. */ /* First, see if the incoming message will fit in the memory region */ /* Change semaphore; let others know you're using tracking structure & memory */ /* Next, find incoming logo in list of combinations already seen */ /* Incoming logo is a new combination; store it, if there's room */ /* Store everything you need in the transport header */ /* First see if keyin will wrap; if so, reset both keyin and keyold */ /* Then see if there's enough room for new message in shared memory */ /* If not, "delete" oldest messages until there's room */ /* Now copy transport header into shared memory by chunks... */ /* ...and copy message into shared memory by chunks */ /* Finished with shared memory, let others know via semaphore */ 2.6 tport_getmsg: read a message out of shared memory. int tport_getmsg( SHM_INFO *region, /* info structure for memory region */ MSG_LOGO *getlogo, /* requested logo(s) */ short nget, /* number of logos in getlogo */ MSG_LOGO *logo, /* logo of retrieved msg */ long *length, /* size of retrieved message */ char *msg, /* retrieved message */ long maxsize ) /* max length for retrieved message */ Arguments used as passed: region, getlogo, nget, maxsize Arguments reset by function: *logo, *length, *msg Return values: GET_OK if it got a message of requested logo(s). GET_NONE if there were no new messages of requested logo(s). GET_MISS if it got a message, but missed some. Messages could be missed for one of 3 reasons: 1) memory was overwritten before the message was retrieved. 2) message was lost before being written to memory and a sequence # gap was passed to memory by tport_copyto. 3) previous message of returned logo was skipped because it was longer than maxsize. GET_NOTRACK if it got a message, but couldn't tell if it had missed any because its sequence # tracking limit (NTRACK_GET) was exceeded. GET_TOOBIG if it found a message of requested logo(s) but it was too long to fit in caller's buffer. No message returned, but length and logo of the "toobig" message are returned. If a pointer into the memory region gets lost (doesn't point to a FIRST_BYTE), tport_getmsg writes a message to stdout and exits. Program flow: /* Get the pointers set up */ /* First time around, initialize sequence counters, outpointers */ /* find latest starting index to look for any of the requested logos */ /* See if keyin and keyold were wrapped and reset by tport_putmsg; */ /* If so, reset trak[xx].keyout and go back to findkey */ /* Find next message from requested type, module, instid */ /* make sure you haven't been lapped by tport_putmsg */ /* load next header; make sure you weren't lapped */ /* make sure it starts at beginning of a header */ /* see if this msg matches any requested type */ /* Found a message of requested logo; retrieve it! */ /* complain if retrieved msg is too big */ /* copy message by chunks to caller's address */ /* see if we got run over by tport_putmsg while copying msg */ /* if we did, go back and try to get a msg cleanly */ /* set other returned variables */ /* find logo in tracked list */ /* new logo, track it if there's room */ /* check if sequence #'s match; update sequence # */ /* Ok, we're finished grabbing this one */ /* If you got here, there were no messages of requested logo(s) */ /* update outpointer ->msg after retrieved one for all requested logos */ 2.7 tport_copyto: put a message into a shared memory region; preserve the sequence number (passed as an argument) as the transport layer sequence number. int tport_copyto( SHM_INFO *region, /*info structure for memory region */ MSG_LOGO *putlogo, /*type,module,instid of incoming msg */ long length, /*size of incoming message */ char *msg, /*pointer to incoming message */ unsigned char seq ) /*preserve as sequence# in TPORT_HEAD*/ Arguments used as passed: region, putlogo, length, msg, seq Arguments reset by function: none Return values: PUT_OK if it put the message in memory with no problems. PUT_TOOBIG if it did not put the message in memory because it was too long to fit in the region. If a system error occurs while tport_copyto is executing or if a pointer into the memory region gets lost (doesn't point to a FIRST_BYTE), tport_copyto writes a message to stdout and exits. Program flow: /* First time around, initialize semaphore controls */ /* Set up pointers for shared memory, etc. */ /* First, see if the incoming message will fit in the memory region */ /* Store everything you need in the transport header */ /* Change semaphore to let others know you're using memory */ /* First see if keyin will wrap; if so, reset both keyin and keyold */ /* Then see if there's enough room for new message in shared memory */ /* If not, "delete" oldest messages until there's room */ /* Now copy transport header into shared memory by chunks... */ /* ...and copy message into shared memory by chunks */ /* Finished with shared memory, let others know via semaphore */ 2.8 tport_copyfrom: get a message out of public shared memory; save the sequence number from the transport layer. int tport_copyfrom( SHM_INFO *region, /* info structure for memory region */ MSG_LOGO *getlogo, /* requested logo(s) */ short nget, /* number of logos in getlogo */ MSG_LOGO *logo, /* logo of retrieved message */ long *length, /* size of retrieved message */ char *msg, /* retrieved message */ long maxsize, /* max length for retrieved message */ unsigned char *seq ) /* TPORT_HEAD seq# of retrieved msg */ Arguments used as passed: region, getlogo, nget, maxsize Arguments reset by function: *logo, *length, *msg, *seq Return values: GET_OK if it got a message of requested logo(s). GET_NONE if there were no new messages of requested logo(s). GET_MISS_LAPPED if it got a message, but missed some due to msgs being overwritten (by tport_putmsg or tport_copyto) before it got to them. GET_MISS_SEQGAP if it got a message, but noticed a gap in the sequence numbers in the ring. This means one of 2 things: 1) a msg was lost before being placed in shared memory and the sequence gap was transferred into shared memory by tport_copyto. 2) the previous message of the returned logo was skipped because it was longer than maxsize. GET_NOTRACK if it got a message, but couldn't tell if it had missed any because its sequence # tracking limit (NTRACK_GET) was exceeded. GET_TOOBIG if it found a message of requested logo(s) but it was too long to fit in caller's buffer. No message returned, but length and logo of the "toobig" message are returned. If a pointer into the memory region gets lost (doesn't point to a FIRST_BYTE), tport_getmsg writes a message to stdout and exits. Program flow: Same as tport_getmsg program flow (see section 2.6). 2.9 tport_buffer: initialize the input buffering thread. int tport_buffer( SHM_INFO *region1, /* transport ring */ SHM_INFO *region2, /* private ring */ MSG_LOGO *getlogo, /* array of logos to copy */ short nget, /* number of logos in getlogo */ unsigned maxMsgSize, /* size of message buffer */ unsigned char module, /* module id of main thread */ unsigned char instid ) /* inst id of main thread */ Arguments used as passed: region1, region2, getlogo, nget, maxMsgSize, module, instid Arguments reset by function: none Return values: 0 if there were no errors. -1 if there was an error allocating the internal message buffer, or if there was an error creating the thread. Program flow: /* Allocate internal message buffer */ /* Copy function arguments to global variables */ /* Start the input buffer thread, tport_bufthr */ /* Yield to the buffer thread */ 2.10 tport_bufthr: thread to buffer input from one transport region to another. void *tport_bufthr( void *dummy ) Arguments: none Return values: none Program flow: This function is an infinite loop which will exit only when the termination flag is set in the public shared memory region's header: /* Check the flag in the public region; exit if it's set to TERMINATE */ /* Try to copy a message from the public memory region with tport_copyfrom */ /* Handle return values from tport_copyfrom */ /* If you did get a message, copy it to private ring with tport_copyto */ 2.11 tport_putflag: set the flag in a shared memory header. void tport_putflag( SHM_INFO *region, /* shared memory info structure */ short flag ) /* value to set header flag to */ Arguments used as passed: region, flag Arguments reset by function: none Return Value: none 2.12 tport_getflag: return the value of the flag from a shared memory header. int tport_getflag( SHM_INFO *region ) /* shared memory info structure */ Arguments used as passed: region Arguments reset by function: none Return value: The value of the shared memory header flag. 2.13 tport_syserr: print a system error and exit. void tport_syserr( char *msg, /* message to print */ long key ) /* key of memory region that had an error */ Arguments used as passed: msg, key Arguments reset by function: none Return Value: None. In fact it never returns, but always exits after writing the error message to stdout. 2.14 tport_buferror: build an ascii earthworm error message and put it in the public memory region using tport_putmsg. void tport_buferror( short ierr, /* 2-byte error word */ char *note ) /* string describing error */ Arguments used as passed: ierr, note Arguments reset by function: none Return Value: none 3. PROGRAMMING TIPS Here are some tips for writing and running programs using transport.c: Region key(s) should be defined in a .h file which is included by all programs that will access the region(s). One program should create the memory region(s) (tport_create); other programs accessing those regions will attach to them (tport_attach). The "creator" can also be a "putter" or "getter" or it can be a program with no purpose other than creating/destroying memory regions. When deciding how large to make a memory region (tport_create), remember that the transport layer uses a portion of the memory region for its own bookkeeping. The region size is NOT required to be an even multiple of the size of the messages it will contain. However, suppose a user wants the region to be exactly large enough to store NUMRING messages of size MSGSIZE. To include space for transport bookkeeping too, the region size should be: sizeof(SHM_HEAD) + NUMRING * ( sizeof(TPORT_HEAD) + MSGSIZE ) At run time, the "creator" must be started first. A few seconds should be allowed for the regions to be set up before starting "attachers". Otherwise the "attachers" will exit immediately because they can't find the memory regions. Any program accessing shared memory should periodically look at the flag in the memory's header structure (tport_getflag). If the flag is set to TERMINATE, any "attacher" should detach from memory (tport_detach) and exit, and the "creator" should destroy the memory region(s) (tport_destroy) and exit. To initiate such a polite termination of all programs, one program must set that termination flag (tport_putflag). A "killer" program, whose only purpose is to attach to a region and set the flag, is a useful tool for keyboard-initiated exits. Simple examples of these types of programs reside in the same directory as transport.c. They are: putter1.c creates regions and writes messages as module 1. putter2.c attaches to regions and writes messages as module 2. getter.c attactes to regions and retrieves messages, printing them. killer.c sets terminate flag to stop all programs. keys.h include file defining shared memory region keys. go simple script to start the programs. Makefile Note: Transport.c was designed to work in programs which run continuously. If, however, a putter or getter is a transient beast that is run only intermittently, the getter may return the "GET_MISS" status without actually missing any messages. This is due to the fact that every time a putter or starts up, its sequence # trackers are set to 0. 4. BUG FIXES AND PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS 4.1 Mishandled shared memory pointer wraps in tport_putmsg. 4.2 Missing argument to shmctl. 4.3 Speed enhancement using memcpy. 4.4 Making tport_putmsg multi-thread safe. 4.5 Mishandled shared memory pointer resets in tport_getmsg. 4.6 Minor crack in tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom. 4.7 Logo-tracking problem with GET_TOOBIG messages, tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom. 4.8 Tracking problem when no messages of requested logo are ever returned, tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom. 4.9 Variable name changed to allow use of C++ compilers. 4.10 Semaphore operations problem in tport_putmsg and tport_copyto (Solaris version). 4.1 Mishandled shared memory pointer wraps. Problem: tport_putmsg mishandled wraps in the shared memory header's unsigned long keyin and keyold. The caused the transport layer to lose its place in the memory ring and die. The Fix: After resetting keyin and keyold, check to make sure that keyin is larger than keyold. If not make keyin = keyin + keymax. Change made in tport_putmsg on 10/24/94 by Lynn Dietz. I also changed transport.c so that it writes warning and error messages to stdout (instead of stderr as it was doing) so that the messages can easily be redirected to a log file. Change made in transport.c on 10/24/94 by Lynn Dietz. 4.2 Missing argument to shmctl. Problem: tport_create and tport_destroy each have a call to shmctl(). Shmctl() takes 3 arguments, but I only had the first two passed. The compiler under SunOS never complained about it, but the Solaris compiler 3.0.1 did. The Fix: I added the 3rd argument (struct shmid_ds shmbuf) to both of the shmctl() calls. Change made in transport.c on 3/28/95 by Lynn Dietz. 4.3 Speed enhancement using memcpy. Problem: I noticed that coaxtoring, a program that just reads messages from ethernet and puts them into shared memory using tport_putmsg, took a big chunk of the cpu on a Sparc2 when handling large messages (>50,000 bytes). Suspect that something isn't optimized. The Fix: I changed how tport_putmsg and tport_getmsg copy messages from one address to another. A byte-by-byte for loop was replaced with one or two (if the message was wrapped around the end of the ring) calls to memcpy(). This sped up the coaxtoring program by 20-30%. Change made in transport.c on 6/20/95 by Lynn Dietz. 4.4 Making tport_putmsg multi-thread safe. Problem: Previously, the semaphore was set in tport_putmsg after the incoming logo was found in the tracking list. If more than one thread of the same process was using tport_putmsg, they could have competed for access to the tracking structure, potentially causing duplicated sequence numbers or other errors. The Fix: tport_putmsg now sets the semaphore before it looks for the logo in the tracking structure. Since only one tport_putmsg can access the tracking structure at a time, multiple threads of one process can safely use the same routine. Change made in transport.c on 6/27/95 by Lynn Dietz. 4.5 Mishandled shared memory pointer resets in tport_getmsg. Problem: Each tport_getmsg() and tport_copyfrom() must reset its tracking pointers (trak[xx].keyout) after shared memory header keyin & keyold are wrapped and reset (by tport_putmsg or tport_copyto). Sometimes, keyout was mistakenly reset to a number less than keyold, causing the getter to grab messages from the ring starting with the oldest complete message in the ring. This results in a "missed message" error, because of a gap in transport sequence numbers. It also causes some messages to be processed twice. The Fix: After resetting a keyout value in tport_getmsg() and tport_copyfrom(), first see if it still points to the FIRST_BYTE of a message. If it does, make sure the value of keyout lies between keyold and keyin. If it doesn't point to a FIRST_BYTE, the getter was lapped by a putter; reset keyout to keyold. Change made in transport.c on 1/17/96 by Lynn Dietz 4.6 Minor crack in tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom. Problem: When reading shared memory, both tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom use this logic: make sure I haven't been lapped by a putter, grab a TPORT_HEAD from the ring, make sure that the TPORT_HEAD starts with a FIRST_BYTE. On very rare occassions, a putter will overwrite the first byte (or the TPORT_HEAD) between the getter's lap-check an its grabbing the header from the ring. In this case, the getter will complain that the header doesn't begin with a FIRST_BYTE and it will exit. The Fix: Add another lap-check just after tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom grab a TPORT_HEAD from the ring. Their logic now looks like this: make sure I haven't been lapped by a putter, grab a TPORT_HEAD from the ring, make sure I haven't been lapped by a putter, make sure that the TPORT_HEAD starts with a FIRST_BYTE. Note: another lap- check is done after each message is grabbed from the ring. Change: In a move totally unrelated to the above problem, I changed the word "WARNING" to "NOTICE" in all references to wraps of keyin/keyout/keyget to reflect the fact that this is really a normal, albeit rare, occurrance. Changes made in transport.c on 6/12/96 by Lynn Dietz 4.7 Logo-tracking problem with GET_TOOBIG messages, tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom. Problem: Whenever tport_getmsg or tport_copyfrom find a message that matches the requested logo(s) but is too long for the target address, they return the logo and length of the message, but they never enter the logo-tracking part of the routine. This causes a problem only if the very first message is GET_TOOBIG; since no logos are being tracked, these functions don't record the fact that they've looked at this GET_TOOBIG message already. On the next call, they look at the same GET_TOOBIG message, and thus get stuck looking at this same message forever... (which may put you into an infinite loop depending on how you handled the return codes). The Fix: Modify the program flow of tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom such that after a TOOBIG message is found, they enter the logo-tracking part of the routine. Also make sure that the return code does NOT get changed from GET_TOOBIG! Changes made in transport.c on 6/12/96 by Lynn Dietz 4.8 Tracking problem when no messages of requested logo are ever returned, tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom. Symptom: If a module never finds a message of any requested logo in a given memory region, that module eventually becomes a CPU hog. We know something is wrong because the module has nothing to process; it should be doing a loop something like: call tport_getmsg, get a return code of GET_NONE, sleep a little bit, try again. Where is the CPU going? Problem: The problem is essentially the same as that described in section 4.7. No entries exist in the logo-tracking list until a message of a requested logo is actually found in shared memory. If no such message has been found, tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom have no way to record the position in shared memory of the last message that they considered (and rejected). So on every single call, tport_getmsg or tport_copyfrom start at the oldest complete message in memory and look at every single one (even though they've probably seen most of them already...) before concluding that none of them match their request. If the memory region is large and there are a lot of little messages in it, this can take a lot of CPU! The Fix: Modify tport_getmsg and tport_copyfrom so that the first thing they do is verify that each of the requested logos is entered in the logo-tracking list. This way, even if none of the requested logos is found, there is place to record the position of the last message that was considered for each requested logo. (The sequence number tracking for each logo remains "inactive" until the first message with that logo is found). On subsequent calls, tport_getmsg and tport_copyto will only look at messages they haven't seen before. Changes made in transport.c on 6/18/96 by Lynn Dietz 4.9 Variable name changed to allow use of C++ compilers. Problem: We had used "class" as the variable name for the installation in the MSG_LOGO structure. However, "class" is also a keyword in C++, so if you want to use a C++ compiler, you cannot use "class" as a variable name. The Fix: Change all references to "class" to "instid" to allow this software to be compiled with a C++ compiler. Changes made in transport.c and transport.h on 3/13/97 by Lynn Dietz 4.10 Semaphore operations problem in tport_putmsg and tport_copyto (Solaris). Symptom: All modules attached to a given transport ring (running on a Solaris system) suddenly die with a message like: "ERROR: tport_getmsg; keyget not at FIRST_BYTE, Region xxxx" This message implies that the transport ring is corrupted. The symptom was first noticed when Doug Neuhauser ran his transport-based UCB code on a dual-processor Ultra. A dual-processor X86 Solaris machine has also exhibited this symptom while running Earthworm v3.1 code. Problem: Many thanks go to Doug Neuhauser for tracking down the bug! In both tport_putmsg and tport_copyto, the structure sembuf sops, used as an argument to the semaphore operation function semop(), had been declared as a static struct. In multi-threaded code, you can have two simultaneous invocations of tport_putmsg(), eg one for a heartbeat and one for data. Each one will overwrite the values of sops for the other thread. This bug shows up readily on a multi-processor machine on which two threads can really run simultaneously. It could also presumably occur on a single-processor machine, but we've never experienced it yet. This bug can manifest itself with these symptoms: 1) a corrupted transport ring, from both threads writing to the ring at the same time, and 2) deadlock, where both threads are waiting for the semaphore. The Fix: Remove "static" from the declaration of "struct sembuf sops;" in tport_putmsg and tport_copyto. Also, pull the initialization of sops structure members out of one-time-only initialization loops. Changes made in solaris/transport.c on 4/24/98 by Lynn Dietz For more information contact: Lynn Dietz 415-329-5520