Software Requirements

To install Winston, you will need:

  1. The Winston binary distribution consisting of .jar (Java archive) files and sample configuration files.
  2. MySQL database software.
  3. The Java runtime environment.

Guidance on recommended versions and distrubutions are included below.

Recommended Winston Build

Winston 1.1.0 is the recommended build.

Version 1.1.0 Binary Distribution (tar.gz)

Version 1.1.0 Binary Distribution (zip)

Nightly Winston Build

Users who are helping to test development versions of Winston can download the lastest build below. These versions are built nightly by an automated process and may have had little or no testing.

Testing Binary Distribution (tar.gz)

Testing Binary Distribution (zip)


Development and testing of Winston 1.1.0 was performed with MySQL 5.0 Community Server. However, since Winston does not rely on features added in MySQL 5.0, previous versions will likely also work.

The official MySQL download page is here.


Winston requires Java 1.4 or greater to run. We recommend the 1.5 release and may require it in the future.

Most users will want to download the Java Runtime Environment from the official Java download page here.